I am a Parishioner whose Parish Council has a full council meeting every two months. When a meeting is due, the Agenda is publicly posted (website and notice boards). At this meeting, Minutes of the previous meeting are approved i.e. two months on, and are then added to the website at a later date. I have suggested that the Draft minutes be posted at the same time (or before) as the Agenda - and can then be posted after a meeting as final, once approved.
My Council, which has income above £25000, is adamant that they are restricted by the LGA rules (1972 Act) and can never publish draft minutes. Is this correct?
Part of my issue is that Public Questions are minuted (good) though there is no guarantee that answers will be given at the same meeting. We are told they will be verbally given at the next meeting, and then reported with the approved minutes. So I can ask a question at Meeting 1, receive the answer verbally at Meeting 2, which can be tricky to absorb, since the Chair doesn't seem to like giving direct answers, wait another week or more to see their response in the minutes, and then at Meeting 3 (4 months on) get the chance to respond appropriately. I just feel this is nonsensical, time wasting and impractical.
I'd appreciate any views, and particularly answers regarding publishing draft minutes. (Un-audited financial accounts seem to be published without question!??)
Thank you.