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0 votes

New information has come to light, in regards to a proposal i submitted to the parish. Which they rejected me over. (they excepted some one else's proposal, for the same thing!).

Can I use section 7, of standing orders to ask for re-evaluation of my proposal. Or is that for parish councillors only?

If it is, is there any way to get a re-evaluation of it?

ago by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
That depends what the decision was. Please provide more information.
ago by (58.9k points)
0 votes
More info is required. Who are you in relation to the council? What is the proposal? Was it really the same as someone else's? Section 7 doesn't apply, as you've not had a resolution. If they've accepted someone else's proposal, and resolved on that, then it can't be undone with in six months without a lot of hoop jumping, and even then, it's a further six months before a similar motion can be discussed. Are you sure it's worth it?
ago by (1.1k points)

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