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A parish meeting has been correctly called and the agenda posted. In the meeting are the Parish Council standing orders followed or if not who decides on the rules of the meeting? Also is there any guidance and link that can be given to the role of the chair in a parish meeting. The concern is that the chair of the council who will be chair of the parish meeting may end up trying to talk and answer questions and thereby not allow electors a chance to speak. It is noticeable in Parish Council meetings that the chair interrupts people and does not let them finish speaking or lets another particular councillor talk several times.
ago by (480 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Yep no standing orders as it is not a Parish Council Meeting... Indeed very little guidance at all.
ago by (10.2k points)
0 votes
The Parish meeting can elect a chair for the meeting. As I read it it is only the annual required parish meeting that is chaired by the pc chair
ago by (29.2k points)
Only if the parish council chairman isn't present.

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