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At a recent meeting a resident commented that a councillor left the meeting half way thought which should have been minuted.  The Clerk says she doesn’t have to is this correct. I don’t think she is right but just checking.
by (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
In my experience, it is customary to record late arrivals and early departures, but there is no legislative requirement to do so. The only requirement to record absence from part of a meeting relates to items for which a member has declared a pecuniary or other interest requiring them to leave the room. In this instance, their departure and, if applicable, subsequent return must be recorded.
by (58.9k points)
0 votes
The minutes must record Cllrs present so it naturally follows that any Cllr arriving late, leaving early or stepping out (whether they come back or not) from the meeting must be accurately recorded in the minutes so as to demonstrate who is present and eligible to vote at any given motion and that the council remains quorate.
ago by (26.3k points)

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