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An agenda for a parish meeting has been published with six signatures and with the correct notice. There will be a request for a poll by at least 10 electors. Guidance seems to vary. Does the request for a poll have to be proposed and seconded and voted on? I know that the wording of a poll question has to be voted on by the parish meeting. There are likely to be 3 poll questions. I also realise the Council will have to pay for the poll and that the Council can ignore the result but it seems the only way for an issue to be resolved.
by (480 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
The request for a poll is not voted on. If you have the 10 electors that is all you need (or 1/3 of electors present, whichever is fewer)

As you say, what is voted on is the wording of the poll. The wording will have to be proposed by someone and then voted on.
by (7.5k points)
0 votes
Just to clarify AR answer the only voting that is carried out is at the arranged and held Parish Meeting where normal proposals seconding and voting takes place. What happens from that point of course is down to the sensitivities and awareness of your parish councillors.
by (29.2k points)
0 votes
The question about voting has already been answered. I called a parish poll last year, it was expensive and the turnout was very low but the vote overwhelmingly as expected (opposed to a course of action the council are taking). I had to insist the poll was on the agenda of the next council meeting because they didn't intend it to be and it was just noted and a statement made that it will change nothing. There were also some games trying to get the parish meeting called with the clerk refusing to call the meeting or advertise it on parish noticeboards when it was lawfully called. They are useful for validating public opinion and galvanising a community for or against something but the council can just ignore the result.
by (380 points)
Legally there is no requirement on a parish council to convene a parish meeting although most do so for the annual parish meeting but there are no penalties if they do not.  Similarly there is no  legal reason for a parish council to take note of any decision of a parish meeting although again, most may well do so and in my opinion would be advised to but again no penalties if they do not.  The only penalty, if that's what you want to call it, is to pay for the poll which is conducted by your district/county elections team and charged accordingly.  Arguably a questionable use of residents money as it takes funding away from the parish which could/should be used for the benefit of all residents.

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