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Does the chairman of a meeting have the power to vary the order of the agenda at a meeting, or unilaterally defer an item to a future meeting?  Or do both of these things require a motion and a vote of the council?
by (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

If you have adopted NALC Model Standing Orders...

1a - 

  1. Motions on the agenda shall be considered in the order that they appear unless the order is changed at the discretion of the chair of the meeting.
by (26.3k points)
Thanks for that.  I checked the standing orders and that is in there.  What about deferring an item to a future meeting?
Subject to circumstances, it could just be shifted 'left' to the end of the agenda and filibustered out of time so - it's entirely 'possible' to defer an item.
Whether it is 'ethical' or 'appropriate' would depend upon the circumstances.  You'd be unlikely to land an effective challenge to an item being deferred since either the chair or some consenting party could just suggest that they need more detail or information and that would justify deferment.
Very dependent upon the circumstance and the sensitivity of the subject item.
+1 vote
Hi - altering the agenda, as already replied to.  To defer something, the councillors needs to propose to defer it and vote to defer it.  We did have a chair who kept deferring things when the discussion was not going their way (their pet projects was about to be voted down).  Councillors would be there with their hands up to speak, and the chair would wave them away saying 'it has been deferred'.  They would turn to the clerk and say, lets defer this, and that was that.   Things have changed and now there needs to be a vote to defer it.   RAC is correct in that you could just not get around to it, but then the closure of the meeting defers all issues not covered to some other time.   The power to close a meeting prior to the end of the agenda is similar.  Only the councillors there can agree to close the meeting, not the chair (as noted in the model standing orders).
by (560 points)
Quite right and a useful addition!
The elements below do not require a written motion but do require a verbal motion + vote of those present and eligible to vote:


a) The following motions may be moved at a meeting without written notice to the Proper Officer:

iii. to defer consideration of a motion;
vi. to change the order of business on the agenda;
vii. to proceed to the next business on the agenda;
xvi. to adjourn the meeting; or
xvii. to close the meeting.

Interesting since, I don't ever recall a motion / vote (and record in the minutes) to (vii) proceed to next business on the agenda.

This SO seems to indicate that there should be a motion and vote and record after each item of business before moving on to the next one.  I bet that doesn't happen in many councils...
As I understand the move to the next agenda item, is to 'get on to the next agenda item as we have spent far to long on it to no avail'.

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