When I raised our fund with our EAs a few years ago , they replied. Any comments?
Findings: We note that it is quite common for local councils to build earmarked reserves for spending in respect of future planning issues and that local councils have powers to do so under various legislation including the following: Local Government Act 1972 s111, 222, 250; Town and Country Planning Act 1990 s61F, Schedule 1 s8(4)(a). We would expect that the Council always ensures that it is acting within its powers when making expenditure from this earmarked reserve. We note that the Council clarified the future use of the reserve at a Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting in June this year as follows: ‘include engagement activity, publicity, professional advice, review of the NDP any other costs associated with defending the Green Belt, at various points in time and potentially covering numerous developments.’ The relative size of the reserve is a matter of Council policy and as such is outside our remit.