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0 votes
My Parish Meeting wishes to have roadside verges cut on a regular basis.
by (350 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I'm not an expert on parish meetings, but my sense is that this is not permissible. Parish meetings have very limited and specific powers. Section 109 of the 1972 Act allows district councils to confer additional functions onto parish meetings, but at first sight, this doesn't seem relevant to your issue.

I suggest you take this to your local association for guidance.
by (58.3k points)
0 votes
Parish meetings are essentially a method of holding the parish council to account which is why there is a statutory requirement for a minimum of one per year. They are an instrument for the community to question the council and receive answers to democratically formed requests. Envisaged as a two way communication ( in the days before modern communications) it enabled accountability to be exercised by the community on the council. A parish meeting can be called at any time during the year providing the laid down requirements are met and MUST be organised and paid for by the council.

A Parish meeting when a council is elected does not carry any ability to carry out duties on behalf of the community as far as I am aware
by (29.0k points)

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